When I began my journey with Judy I did not plan to identify friends we would see on our trip. As I reflected I decided the trip was not complete without sharing about special friends I saw on our trip. I told you about Steve and Jeannie and this very special visit with them. However, I did not share others. The day after seeing jeannie and Steve, I met with Bart, Christine, and Westin Treece. Judy and I first got to know Bart when he was 16 and living with his Mother Dee and brother Mike in the complex where we lived until our home was completed. We have stayed in touch since that time and appreciate the changes with his marriage, birth of Westin, completion of his bachelor degree, and professional accomplishments with the State of Washington. We had a great time of coffee and conversation and I was pleased to see them and their success in life.
When I arrived in Seattle, I did intrude on the new owner of our home we had built but also went to our two favorite neighbors, the Kings and the Nussbaums. They built their homes before we did and have remained there since then. Both were wonderful neighbors and friends and exciting to catch up with them and learn of their families since we left 15 years ago. It was amazing how comfortable it felt to visit again with them. My only regret was Bob King who always had the cleanest luxury cars in the neighborhood and introduced me to the "Der Shining Stuff" only to have the manufacturer disappear a few years ago. I hoped he had a new secret but no such luck!
I slipped across the street from the Westin where I was staying to the Cheescake Factory. I knew at one time Michael Karmil, a senior accountant with us at Nordstrom in Denver had been associated with the restaurant to I inquired and was thrilled to learn he was there and about to leave for the day. We had a chance to catch up and recall many pleasant memories from our time with Nordstrom Bank.
I called Barre Seibert who had been our CFO at TransAlliance in Belluvue with me. I was lucky to find them home and spent time with Barre and Julie and one of their daughters and two grandaughters. It was so good to see them again. I asked if they were both retired and learned they were EXCEPT Barre is an independent board member and consultant with TOOTSIE ROLL! I was so excited and would not leave until I had three bags of goodies for my trip!!
Then last evening I enjoyed time with Steve and Leanne Shelton when they returned from a long weekend with family in Eastern WA. Steve and I had worked together at Nordstrom Bank where he was the executive responsible for all control and collection activities for the bank.
All these contacts have made my trip so special. As I travel, I am reminded that the most important parts of our lives are not the places we lived or visited, not the trips we took, not the homes we enjoyed, not the financial benefits, BUT the people we met who impacted out life. There are many I could not reach but these people were so important and have been the highlights of my travel.
Hi Denny - I finally have had some time to sit quietly and catch up on your wonderful blog. Sounds like you and Judy are having a great trip visiting family and old friends as well as meeting new friends. I especially enjoy your insights about life, etc. The picture of Jeannie was like looking at Judy with auburn hair! What great adventures you are having and we are so happy for you. Carolyn and John