Friday, May 19, 2017


Our first stop on our trip is with Pam and the girls.  Judy decided to hang out on the table near the TV.  The girls are very busy with soccer practice, theatre practice, school, few chores and downtime relaxing.  With the new dog there was also the need for rug doctor to hide the early mistakes.  Guessing there might have been a few food/drink spills also.

Enjoyed a light dinner at the local Mexican restaurant and then home for homework, weekend organizing, and a few calls.  Pam has a special mattress that I get when I visit and set up in the study.  Very comfortable but required to be up at 6:00 to get everyone organized, lunches prepared, and everyone off to school.  Pam and Paige went one direction and Emily and I headed another.

I decided with free time today I would visit the Getty Museum in LA.  Judy and I had been there one time after it opened but had not returned since.  The museum is probably only about 20 miles from Pam's home so 100 minutes later I got to the museum.  Not hard for me to understand stress, road violence, and mental illness if you to drive this mess every day.  One more reason to be thankful for the Valley.

I had a great time at the museum and enjoyed hundreds (if not more) original art pieces from every era since the 1600s.  It was amazing to see the different styles, themes, and skills of the artists from around the world.  It is hard to believe you can see so many original works by so many famous artists in one place.  And the Getty itself is an incredible setting overlooking the city.  If you haven't enjoyed it, visit on your next trip to LA.


  1. Thank you for including us in your special adventure. Hopefully it will also be a good grieving and healing time for you. What a great idea! We will be with you in spirit and support on every part of your journey. God bless!!

    Judy and Darko

  2. Cool! Denny, enjoy the journey and take your time.
