Friday, June 2, 2017

Like the Battle of Bighorn, we have learned of Mt Rushmore near Rapid City, SD.  Judy and her family had vacationed there from NE when Judy was in high school.  She loved the trip and would recall her fascination with the sculpture carved into the face of Mt Rushmore.  I was never excited about visiting the site but have now changed my mind.  It was amazing to see all the information on how this effort was completed.  Like most government efforts, the sculpture created by Gutzon Borglum that started in 1927 and completed in 1941 at costs far exceeding initial budgets, the gift to our country will live forever.  The primitive construction involved hundreds of workers who risked their lives as they dynamited and chiseled the faces of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln.

I had always wondered about the crushed rock below the sculpture and learned this was all from the blasts to create the sculpture.  It was also interesting to learn of the maintenance to insure the sculptures are now kept for generations to come.  I am happy Judy and I have now made one last visit to the spot she so loved.

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